It’s also important for the owner of the dog, that they don’t feel cruelty of leaving us (the dog) home alone the majority of the time. Just make sure that you are taken us for at least two good solid walks per day. This will get our energy drained.
Why we sleep so much, here is why: We (dogs) sleep like humans, there are still two types of sleep: rapid eye movement and slow wave sleep, but unlike humans we wake up more frequently than humans do. So, although it may seem like we (dogs) is sleeping, we also have many interruptions while we sleeps.
You may also note that when we sleep do you really think we (dogs) are sleeping. We most likely will lay awake and listen and protect the house when our owners sleep.
But that said; Watch how we (dogs) sleep, why? Because if we sleep more then usual we may be ill, or pregnant and or on medications, and need to be seen by the vet. Also remember if we are on medication, which may cause drowsiness.
Many may think we (the dogs) will sleep anywhere, but some of us are very particular about where we sleep. You may notice some of us (dogs) circling or pawing at our sleeping place before we settles. This is to make a comfortable, den-like depression in which to sleep on.
Some humans love snuggling us up at night and there is no question, we (the dogs) love sharing ours owners’ bed. Advocates of this method say it strengthens the human-canine bond – not to mention the comfort and warmth we (the dog) can provide for our owners. However, this can upset the sometimes-precarious hierarchy, because we (the dog) may get delusions of grandeur. In other words, we may think we are higher on our household's social scale than some other members of the family. Keep this in mind!
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